When Rachelle and Ben sent us their print template it was simple, minimal and humble: R&B 2017. It was only at their wedding that I got to witness how humblingly beautiful they are.

Set in the warmly lit marquee of Growwild Wildflower Farm in NSW, the day was marked by friends and family who obviously so loved these two and their connection. Sometimes it's the small things that make the day yours.

We watched the sun set over the surrounding bush and handed out the cameras while the bridal party had their location portraits done. What a way to pass the time though as guests were welcomed by a huge grazing table and the cute caravan bar My Little Peony. The music was acoustic, the faces were smiling and weather was beautiful.

Guests took over 500 photos and took the duplicate copy of each one home. Selfies, adventurous through the trees and that bridal squad looking fine, our cameras roamed where the action was and found some gems along the way.

We were lucky to just be a part of what was a wedding with the perfect balance of elegance and blokes crackin jokes. Thanks for invisiting us!